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Holiday Cheer and Updates

Need a good book and a nice warm plate of cookies for your pet to relax this holiday season? Provide some rest and relaxation time for it by heading over to the Advent Calendar to get your gift of a new book. The plate of cookies is r90 and can be found in the Neovian Pastry shop.

Just add a comfortable place to relax with this new book and snack

Wishing you all a very Merry Muppet Christmas 🙂

DB UPDATE: A lot of you might have noticed, that we had a glitch in our DB where you were able to add double or even triple entries of one Item by accident. Well I finally got around to fixing it. So everybody will be happy to hear you will not find double entries on accident anymore in your Gotten lists 😉 If there is anything else you notice just neomail me (Andulien) or comment on the News post.

Merry Merry Christmas everybody,


This entry was posted on Friday, December 24th, 2010 at 12:23 pm and is filed under Books, Database, Gourmets. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

3 Responses to “Holiday Cheer and Updates”

  1. Aeleniel says:

    Hey, is there a way that we could get “My First Babaa” added to the books database? 🙂

  2. mrs_weasley13 says:

    It’s already in there 😉

  3. Andulien says:

    Take a look, should be in the Book list 😉 If not might check your Books Read list might be already added there. Let me know if there are any problem.
