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Taking a Stand Against NFTs on Neopets
October 10th, 2021 by Steve_km
On September 22, 2021, the Neopets Metaverse (a third party working with Neopets) was revealed to be a NFT project working along with JumpStart, Cherrypicks, and Moonvaults.
Since the first launch, various other fan sites and Neopets members have walked off the site in protest of this update. The Neopets Metaverse has posted hurtful content (racist, sexist) towards the members of the Neopets community and have been very negative in trying to support the new update.
The Neopets community overwhelmingly rejected the Neopets Metaverse NFT project, and Jellyneo organized a weekend protest from October 8th – 10th. There is ample information around about the developing news and various polls on the subject. Between hundreds of voters within the polls in the communities, there has yet to be one person who supported NFTs or the company supporting the NFTs.
If you would like to learn more about NFTs, lot’s of information can be found within the Neopets Nation facebook group and the Jellyneo main page. Myself and many others have since discontinued our Neopets memberships to no longer support the website until there is a change.
If you’re willing, we ask that you also take a stand by limiting your time on Neopets and cutting off any financial ties (NC, Memberships) you may have to supporting the cause.
Stephen (steve_km)
May and June
July 2nd, 2018 by mrs_weasley13
Hey all! Sorry for missing the update last month. Summer is flying by here, and I hope you all are enjoying every bit of it! Here are the items that you may want to add to your collection from the last two months:

Epigraphers are still trying to decipher whats written on this tablet.
Whoa, whoa, whoa….lots of stamps to collect for these!
When you have been wrongly accused for so long, you deserve a stamp of your own.
New Privacy Policy & GDPR
May 25th, 2018 by Andulien
Hello all,
as especially the Europeans of you know a new law has been put in to place as of the 25th of May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For this we have updated our Privacy Policy to make sure it is explicitly mentioned on what data we collect and how we use your data to bring you our service. Please make sure to read through it thoroughly. By continuing to use our service, you agree to this Policy. Should you not agree, please send a short message via our Contact us form so that we can remove your account from the Database. You are also free to delete your own account including all your data by login into your Database account and heading to the “User Admin” Section in the top menu. At the bottom of this page you are able to delete your account.

A new Law to check for Lawerbot
Additionally we have now moved to https. This means that all our connections are encrypted to ensure better safety for your login data, other than that nothing is changing in our service for you.
Should you have any further questions regarding this, do contact us and we are happy to help.
Have fun collection.
Your S2 Admin,
May 2nd, 2018 by mrs_weasley13
Hope everyone is enjoying spring time! No new avatars this month, but a little of everything else:
Always. Stay. Focused.

A favourite among the locals, its worth a try.

A negg stamp to commemorate your success in the negg hunt.
April 5th, 2018 by mrs_weasley13
March has been a great month for gourmet seekers! New Noms and Books….both make my pets happy 🙂

Cheese, yum. Chocolate, yum. Cookie, yum. Whats not to like?
We dont know how much of this is true, but the source was pretty reliable.

March 5th, 2018 by mrs_weasley13
February has been golden for those collecting new album items!

Its shape makes one wonder if it was meant to be like this.
Sometimes, the right choice isnt the easy one. Would you choose it anyway?

February 6th, 2018 by mrs_weasley13
Lots of new books released in January! Yay! New stamps also to keep collectors happy, and very glad to see that gourmets are again trickling out 🙂

Professor Morbero of Brightvale dives deep into the science of transformation of pet to wraith.
No charm album can be complete without this charm!

Step right up and eat this Kikopop to win, well…tastiness!
December’s Delights
January 2nd, 2018 by mrs_weasley13
Happy New Year!! There are sure lots of new items to list from this last month. Here they are:

This book fits in neatly with all your other weapons. Just dont keep reading it while the battle is on.

Its jelly with flowers inside…made of jelly!

Now that is one happy Jetsam!
Have you had a look at our database lately? Our favorite database creator extrordinaire Andulien (whose account is sadly still icy) has made some updates. The “view others” feature is now again working and all the items are now freshly repriced for everyone to enjoy in the new year 🙂
Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2018!
November’s New Items!
December 2nd, 2017 by Egyptfrost
There’s many new things to collect this month, thanks to the Games Master Challenge!
When you want to tell a story, but dont know how to spell…

Your favourite pasta and pizza together as one!

When these two are at war, you better be far, far away.